Uncoupled Welding linked with d3plot
This example is based on the welding simulation with solid elements. In this case an uncoupled analysis is performed. Means that first the temperature fields are calculated in a thermal analysis and then mapped to the nodes in a stand-alone structural analysis to calculate the deformations. The binout file from the thermal analysis is referenced as the source of the temperature fields for the mapping with *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT.
Uncoupled Welding linked with d3plot
This example is based on the welding simulation with solid elements. In this case an uncoupled analysis is performed. Means that first the temperature fields are calculated in a thermal analysis and then mapped to the nodes in a stand-alone structural analysis to calculate the deformations. The binout file from the thermal analysis is referenced as the source of the temperature fields for the mapping with *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT.
1. Thermal analysis
*KEYWORD_JOBID thermalstep $ $=============================CONTROL DEFINITIONS ============================== $ *TITLE welding steel parts - uncoupled thermal step *CONTROL_SOLUTION $ soln 1 *CONTROL_TERMINATION $ endtim 99 *CONTROL_ACCURACY $ osu inn pidosu iacc 1 *CONTROL_THERMAL_SOLVER $ atype ptype solver 1 1 11 $ msglvl maxitr 0 50 *CONTROL_THERMAL_TIMESTEP $ ts tip its tmin tmax dtemp tscp lcts 1 1.00 0.2 -902 -901 5000 0.50 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE minimal thermal time step size $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 902 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 0.0 0.1 7.0 0.1 10.0 2.0 100.0 4.0 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE maximal thermal step size $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 901 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 0.0 0.25 7.0 0.25 10.0 4.0 100.0 10.0 $================================ OUTPUTDATA =================================== *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_GLSTAT $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_MATSUM $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_RCFORC $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_SPCFORC $ dt 0.01 $ $============================== PART DEFINITIONS =============================== $ *PART $ title profile $ pid secid mid eosid hgid grav adpopt tmid 1 1 1 *PART $ title plate $ pid secid mid eosid hgid grav adpopt tmid 2 1 1 *PART $ title weldingseam 3 1 2 $ $============================= SECTION PROPERTIES ============================== $ *SECTION_SOLID $ secid elform 1 -2 $ $================== MECHANICAL AND THERMAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES ================= $ *MAT_THERMAL_ISOTROPIC $ tmid tro tgrlc tgmult tlat hlat 1 7.85e-9 $ hc tc 4.60e8 40.0 *MAT_THERMAL_CWM_TITLE weld metal $ tmid tro tgrlc tgmult hdeath tdeath 2 7.85e-9 0 0.0 511e6 0.001 $ lchc lctc tlstart tlend tistart tiend hghost tghost 106 107 -1001 -1000 -2.0 -1.0 511e6 0.001 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lchc temp dependent specific heat $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 106 0 1.0 1e6 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 500 473.0 550 10000 750 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lctc temp dependent thermal conductivity $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 107 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 15.0 473.0 20.0 10000.0 30.0 $ $=======================NODE/ELEMENT/SET/SEGMENT DEFINTIONS ==================== $ *INCLUDE 05_welding_solid_parts.k $ $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_weldingseam_path sid 1 $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_plate_edge_side1 sid 2 $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_plate_edge_side2 sid 3 $ $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_weldingseam_path sid 1 $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_rad_and_conv sid 2 $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_weldingseam_contact sid 3 $ *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL $ sid 4 $ option e1 e2 part 1 2 $ $=========================== CONTACT DEFINITIONS =============================== $ *CONTACT_TIED_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_THERMAL_ID 1,contact_tied $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid mboxid spr mpr 3 4 0 0 $ fs fd dc vc vdc penchk bt dt $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst sfmt fsf vsf -0.1 -0.1 $ k frad ho lmin lmax ftoslv bc_flg algo 0.026 0.0 50.0 0.5 2.0 0.5 1 0 $ card a $ card b $ igap 2 *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_MORTAR_THERMAL_ID 2,contact_automatic $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid mboxid spr mpr 1 2 3 3 $ fs fd dc vc vdc penchk bt dt $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst sfmt fsf vsf $ k frad ho lmin lmax ftoslv bc_flg algo 0.026 0.0 1.0 0.5 2 0.5 1 0 $ $================= THERMAL BOUNDARY AND INITIAL CONDITIONS ===================== $ *INITIAL_TEMPERATURE_SET $ nsid temp loc 0 293.15 *BOUNDARY_THERMAL_WELD_TRAJECTORY $ pid ptyp nsid1 spd1 nsid2 spd2 ncyc relvel 3 1 1 -301 -1 -301 5 $ iform lcid q lcrot lcmov lclat disc 2 302 5.0e6 $ p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 3.0 2.5 2.0 8.0 0.5 1.0 *DEFINE_CURVE $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 301 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ time,temp 0.0,0.0 0.1,6.0 6.9,6.0 7.0,0.0 101.0,0.0 *DEFINE_CURVE $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 302 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ time,temp 0.0,0.0 0.1,1.0 6.9,1.0 7.0,0.0 101.0,0.0 *BOUNDARY_CONVECTION_SET $ ssid 2 $ hlcid hmult tlcid tmult loc 0 0.01 0 293.15 *BOUNDARY_RADIATION_SET $ ssid type 2 1 $ flcid fmult tlcid tmult loc 03.4022E-11 0 293.15 $ *END
2. Structure analysis
*KEYWORD_ID structuralstep $ $=============================CONTROL DEFINITIONS ============================== $ *TITLE welding steel parts - solids *CONTROL_SOLUTION $ soln 0 *CONTROL_TERMINATION $ endtim 98 *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_GENERAL $ imflag dt0 imform nsbs igs cnstn form zero_v 1 0.2 2 1 2 0 0 1 *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_SOLUTION $ nsolv 12 *CONTROL_IMPLICIT_AUTO $ iauto iteopt itewin dtmin dtmax 1 11 5 0.01 -901 *CONTROL_ACCURACY $ osu inn pidosu iacc 1 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE maximal structural step size $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 901 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 0.0 0.25 7.0 0.25 10.0 4.0 100.0 10.0 $ $================================ OUTPUTDATA =================================== $ *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_GLSTAT $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_MATSUM $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_RCFORC $ dt 0.01 *DATABASE_SPCFORC $ dt 0.01 $ $============================== PART DEFINITIONS =============================== $ *PART $ title profile $ pid secid mid eosid hgid grav adpopt tmid 1 1 1 *PART $ title plate $ pid secid mid eosid hgid grav adpopt tmid 2 1 1 *PART $ title weldingseam 3 1 2 $ $============================= SECTION PROPERTIES ============================== $ *SECTION_SOLID $ secid elform 1 -2 $ $================== MECHANICAL AND THERMAL MATERIAL PROPERTIES ================= $ *MAT_ELASTIC_PLASTIC_THERMAL_TITLE steel $ mid ro 1 7.85e-9 $ t1 t2 t3 t4 273.0 493.0 1273.0 10000.0 $ e1 e2 e3 e4 210000 210000 75000 1000 $ pr1 pr2 pr3 pr4 0.285 0.285 0.3 0.45 $ alpha1 alpha2 alpha3 alpha4 12e-6 12e-6 14e-6 0.0 $ sigy1 sigy2 sigy3 sigy4 435.0 100.0 20 1 $ etan1 etan2 etan3 etan4 1000.0 1000.0 250.0 1 *MAT_CWM_TITLE weld metal $ mid ro lcem lcpr lcsy lchr lcat beta 2 7.85e-09 101 102 103 104 105 1.0 $ tastart taebd tlstart tlend eghost pghost aghost 1300 1400 1200 1400 10000.0 0.49 0.0 $ t2phase t1phase 800 500 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lecm temp dependent youngs modulus $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 101 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 210000 493.0 210000 10000.0 1000 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lcpr temp dependent poissons ratio $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 102 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 0.30 473.0 0.30 10000.0 0.49 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lcsy temp dependent yield stress $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 103 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 240 473.0 240 10000.0 5 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lchr temp dependent hardening modulus $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 104 0 1.0 1.0 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 700 473.0 700 10000.0 5 *DEFINE_CURVE_TITLE lcat temp dependent thermal expansion coefficient $ lcid sidr sfa sfo offa offo dattyp 105 0 1.0 1.0e-06 0.000 0.000 0 $ a1 o1 273.0 17.00 473.0 17.00 1000.0 22.00 10000.0 0.00 $ $=======================NODE/ELEMENT/SET/SEGMENT DEFINTIONS ==================== $ *INCLUDE 05_welding_solid_parts.k $ $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_weldingseam_path sid 1 $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_plate_edge_side1 sid 2 $ *SET_NODE_LIST_TITLE nodes_plate_edge_side2 sid 3 $ $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_weldingseam_path sid 1 $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_rad_and_conv sid 2 $ *SET_SEGMENT_TITLE segments_weldingseam_contact sid 3 $ *SET_SEGMENT_GENERAL $ sid 4 $ option e1 e2 part 1 2 $ $=========================== CONTACT DEFINITIONS =============================== $ *CONTACT_TIED_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_ID 1,contact_tied $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid mboxid spr mpr 3 4 0 0 $ fs fd dc vc vdc penchk bt dt $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst sfmt fsf vsf -0.1 -0.1 $ card a $ card b $ igap 2 *CONTACT_AUTOMATIC_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE_MORTAR_ID 2,contact_automatic $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid mboxid spr mpr 1 2 3 3 $ fs fd dc vc vdc penchk bt dt 0.3 $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst sfmt fsf vsf $ $====================== MECHANICAL BOUNDARY CONDITIONS ========================= $ *BOUNDARY_SPC_SET $ nid/nsid cid dofx dofy dofz dofrx dofry dofrz 2 1 1 1 *BOUNDARY_SPC_SET $ nid/nsid cid dofx dofy dofz dofrx dofry dofrz 3 1 1 1 *LOAD_BODY_Z $ lcid sf lciddr xc yc zc cid 201 9.81e3 *DEFINE_CURVE $ lcid 201 $ time,temp 0,1.0 101.0,1.0 *LOAD_THERMAL_D3PLOT $ load the previously calculated temperature fields from the file which is $ referenced in the execution expression with "T=thermalstep.d3plot" $ *END
1. Thermal analysis |
2. Structural analysis |
1. Thermal analysis |
2. Structural analysis |