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  Foam Material Model for a Single Element
  $  LSTC Example
  $  Last Modified: September 18, 1997
  $    This problem contains a single element with one degree of
  $    freedom on a single side.  The element compresses and expands
  $    following a prescribed velocity motion.
  $    The material is a foam which follows a pressure volumetric
  $    strain relationship.  The foam block is compressed and
  $    expanded in a range of relative volume (V/Vo) from 1.0
  $    to 0.0091 to 1.441.
  $    Two types of unloading are explored:
  $      1. Unloading follows the loading curve
  $      2. Bulk unloading modulus is used - volumetric crushing
  $    The foam has a tensile fracture pressure cutoff of 0.5
  $  Units: lbf-s2/in, in, s, lbf, psi, lbf-in
  $$$$  Control Ouput
  $   endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endneg    endmas
  $     hgen      rwen    slnten     rylen
           2         2
  $  dt/cycl      lcdt
  $  dt/cycl      lcdt
  $  dt/cycl      lcdt
  $  dt/cycl      lcdt
  $$$$  Boundary Motion Conditions
  $      nid       dof       vad      lcid        sf       vid
           1         3         0         1       1.0         0
  $     lcid      sidr      scla      sclo      offa      offo
  $           abscissa            ordinate
             0.000E+00          -9.000E+02
             1.000E-01          -9.000E+02
             1.010E-01           9.000E+02
             2.500E-01           9.000E+02
  $      sid
  $     nid1      nid2      nid3      nid4      nid5      nid6      nid7      nid8
           5         6         7         8
  $$$$  Define Parts and Materials
  $      pid       sid       mid     eosid      hgid    adpopt
  foam block
           1         1         1
  $      mid        ro         g      bulk        a0        a1        a2        pc
           1 6.740E-11 5.760E+01 1.794E+01 1.200E-01 0.000E+00 0.000E+00-5.000E-01
  $        f         f
  $      vcr       dun
  $ Unloading follows the loading curve
  $ 1.000E+00 0.000E+00
  $ Bulk unloading modulus is used - volumetric crushing
   0.000E+00 0.000E+00
  $     eps1      eps2      eps3      eps4      eps5      eps6      eps7      eps8
  $     eps9     eps10
   0.000E+00 0.000E+00
  $       p1        p2        p3        p4        p5        p6        p7        p8
   3.450E-01 5.170E-01 6.890E-01 8.070E-01 1.110E+00 1.240E+00 1.300E+00 1.500E+00
  $       p9       p10
   0.000E+00 0.000E+00
  $      sid    elform 
  $$$$  Define Nodes and Elements