Pendulum II
A pendulum with two colliding blocks is calculated. The pendulum is modeled with beam elements of elastic behavior. The blocks are modeled with solid elements of elastic behavior and one of it is given an initial velocity. This input deck shows other variants of *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID option.
Pendulum II
A pendulum with two colliding blocks is calculated. The pendulum is modeled with beam elements of elastic behavior. The blocks are modeled with solid elements of elastic behavior and one of it is given an initial velocity. This input deck shows other variants of *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID option.
*KEYWORD *TITLE Rigid/Deformable Material Switching *CONTROL_TERMINATION $ f i f f f $ endtim endcyc dtmin endneg endmas 0.500 *CONTROL_TIMESTEP $ DTINIT TSSFAC ISDO TSLIMT DT2MS LCTM ERODE MS1ST 0.9 *DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID $ i i $ pid mrb 1 2 $*DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC $$ SWSET CODE TIME 1 TIME 2 TIME 3 ENTNO RELSW PAIRED $ 1 0 0.175 $$ NRBF NCSF RWF DTMAX D2R R2D $ 0 3 $$ PID $ 1 $ 2 $*DEFORMABLE_TO_RIGID_AUTOMATIC $$ SWSET CODE TIME 1 TIME 2 TIME 3 ENTNO RELSW PAIRED $ 2 0 0.185 $$ NRBF NCSF RWF DTMAX D2R R2D $ 3 0 $$ PID MRB $ 1 $ 2 *MAT_ELASTIC $ f f f f f f f $ mid ro e pr da db k 1 7.85e-9 210000.0 0.30 *SECTION_SOLID $ i i $ sid elform 1 *SECTION_BEAM $ i i f f f $ sid elform shrf qr/irid cst 2 3 1.0 1.0 $ f f f f f f $ int: ts1 ts2 tt1 tt2 nsloc ntloc $ f f f f f $ res: a iss itt irr sa 10.0 $ f f f f f $ disc:vol iner cid ca offset $ f f f f f $ t1 t2 t3 t4 nloc *PART $ c $ head Solid - Elastic $ i i i i i i $ pid sid mid eosid hgid adpopt 1 1 1 0 0 0 *PART $ c $ head Solid - Elastic $ i i i i i i $ pid sid mid eosid hgid adpopt 2 1 1 0 0 0 *HOURGLASS $ i f $ hgid ihq 1 6 *PART $ c $ head Beam - Elastic $ i i i i i i $ pid sid mid eosid hgid adpopt 3 2 1 1 *PART $ c $ head Beam - Elastic $ i i i i i i $ pid sid mid eosid hgid adpopt 4 2 1 1 *DATABASE_BINARY_D3PLOT $ f i $ dt/cycl lcdt 0.01 *DATABASE_EXTENT_BINARY $ i i i i i i i i $ neiph neips maxint strflg sigflg epsflg rltflg engflg 1 $ i i i $ cmpflg ieverp beamip *DATABASE_HISTORY_NODE $ i i i i i i i i $ id1 id2 id3 id4 id5 id6 id7 id8 1 11 *DATABASE_GLSTAT $ f i $ dt binary 0.001 *DATABASE_MATSUM $ f i $ dt binary 0.001 *DATABASE_RCFORC $ f i $ dt binary 0.001 *LOAD_BODY_Y $ i f i f f f $ lcid df lciddr xc yc zc 1 10000.0 *DEFINE_CURVE $ i i f f f f $ lcid sidr scla sclo offa offo 1 $ f f $ abscissa ordinate 0.00 1.000 1000.00 1.000 *CONTACT_SURFACE_TO_SURFACE $ i i i i i i i i $ ssid msid sstyp mstyp sboxid mboxid spr mpr 1 2 $ f f f f f i f f $ fs fd dc vc vdc penchk bt dt $ f f f f f f f f $ sfs sfm sst mst sfst sfmt fsf vsf *SET_SEGMENT $ i f f f f $ sid da1 da2 da3 da4 1 $ i i i i f f f f $ n1 n2 n3 n4 a1 a2 a3 a4 2 6 8 4 *SET_SEGMENT $ i f f f f $ sid da1 da2 da3 da4 2 $ i i i i f f f f $ n1 n2 n3 n4 a1 a2 a3 a4 11 15 17 13 *BOUNDARY_SPC_NODE $ NID/NSID CID DOFX DOFY DOFZ DOFRX DOFRY DOFRZ *NODE $ i8 f f f i i $ node x y z tc rc *ELEMENT_SOLID $ i i i i i i i i i i $ eid pid n1 n2 n3 n4 n5 n6 n7 n8 *ELEMENT_BEAM $ i i i i i $ eid pid n1 n2 n3 *END