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Main Input

The main input file of the load case referencing several include files. Please use a recent version of LS-DYNA (i.e. ls-dyna_mpp_R9.0.1 or later) to compute this example.
$ ===============
$ ===============
R tend           2.0
$ ===========================
$ ===========================
TRANSL           0.0       0.0      50.0
$ =============
$ INCLUDE cards
$ =============
         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
       0.0       0.0       0.0                   0
$ =============
$ CONTROL cards
$ =============
         1        25         5    1.0E-2       -99       0.0         0         0
         0      0.55      0.28       0.0       0.0       0.0         0
$ ============
$ DEFINE cards
$ ============
$: Cross-reference summary for Load-curve 99
$: -----------------------------------------------
$: Control card <No label>: Max allowable timestep vs time
$: X axis : Time                       (Units: Time)
$: Y axis : Maximum allowable timestep  (Units: Time)
$: Usage: Transient analysis
        99         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0         0
                 0.0        5.0000001E-2
           1.0000000        5.0000001E-2
           2.0000000        2.0000001E-2
           3.0000000        5.0000001E-2
$: Cross-reference summary for Load-curve 100
$: -----------------------------------------------
$: Boundary Prescribed Motion <No label>: Displacement vs time
$: X axis : Time                       (Units: Time)
$: Y axis : Prescribed displacement    (Units: Displacement)
$:    :
$: (To a total of 5 unlabelled Boundary Prescribed Motion entries)
$: Usage: Transient analysis
       100         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0         0
                 0.0                 0.0
           100.00000                 0.0
$: Cross-reference summary for Load-curve 101
$: -----------------------------------------------
$: Boundary Prescribed Motion <No label>: Displacement vs time
$: X axis : Time                       (Units: Time)
$: Y axis : Prescribed displacement    (Units: Displacement)
$: Usage: Transient analysis
       101         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0         0
                 0.0                 0.0
           1.0000000           1.0000000
           100.00000           1.0000000
$: Cross-reference summary for Load-curve 102
$: -----------------------------------------------
$: Body load definition <No label>: Base Z acceleration vs time
$: X axis : Time                       (Units: Time)
$: Y axis : Base Z acceleration        (Units: Acceleration)
$: Usage: Transient analysis
       102         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0         0
                 0.0                 0.0
           1.0000000                 0.0
       $ ==============
$ BOUNDARY cards
$ ==============
       100         1         2       100       0.0         0       2.0       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
       100         2         2       100       0.0         0       2.0       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
       100         3         2       101      -5.0         0       1.1       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
       100         5         2       100       0.0         0       0.8       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
       100         6         2       100       0.0         0       0.9       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
       100         7         2       100       0.0         0       0.7       0.0
$: SET_NODE 100 is in include file Camry_V1_ag06a_einfedern.k
$ ==========
$ LOAD cards
$ ==========
       102    9810.0         0
$ =============
$ CONTACT cards
$ =============
   2000008  10000001         2         3         0         0         1         1
       0.3       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$: Cross-reference summary for SET_PART 2000008
   2000008       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
   2000487   2000211   2000490   2000367   2000488   2000360   2000363   2000489
CCSA TOYOTA Yaris STATIC shock absorber loading