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Main Input

The main parts of the input file.
$ Use a recent developer version of LS-DYNA, i.e. ls-dyna_mpp_d_dev_109569 or later
$#     osu       inn    pidosu      iacc    
         0         4         0         1
$#      q1        q2      type     btype     
       0.0       0.0        -2         0
$#  slsfac    rwpnal    islchk    shlthk    penopt    thkchg     orien    enmass
       0.0       1.0         2         2         0         0         2         0
$#  usrstr    usrfrc     nsbcs    interm     xpene     ssthk      ecdt   tiedprj
         0         0         0         1       0.0         1         0         0
$#   sfric     dfric       edc       vfc        th     th_sf    pen_sf      
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#  ignore    frceng   skiprwg    outseg   spotstp   spotdel   spothin       
         1         1         0         0         0         10.80000001
$#    isym    nserod    rwgaps    rwgdth     rwksf      icov    swradf    ithoff
         0         0         1       0.0       0.0         0       0.0         0
$#  shledg    pstiff    ithcnt    tdcnof     ftall    unused    shltrw      
         1         0         0         0         0                 0.0
$#    hgen      rwen    slnten     rylen     
         2         2         2         2
$#     ihq        qh  
         4      0.03
$#   iauto    iteopt    itewin     dtmin     dtmax     dtexp     kfail    kcycle
         1       100         5       0.0     0.001       0.0         0         0
$#   imass     gamma      beta    tdybir    tdydth    tdybur     irate     
         10.60000002      0.38       0.01.00000E281.00000E28         1
$#    neig    center     lflag    lftend     rflag    rhtend    eigmth    shfscl
        00       0.0         0-1.0000E29         01.00000E29         2       0.0
$#  isolid     ibeam    ishell   itshell    mstres    evdump   mstrscl       
         0         0         0         0         0         0      0.01
$#  imflag       dt0    imform      nsbs       igs     cnstn      form    zero_v
         1    0.0010         2         1         2         0         0         0
$#  nsolvr    ilimit    maxref     dctol     ectol     rctol     lstol    abstol
        12         1        35     0.001      0.011.00000E100.89999998-1.000E+01
$#   dnorm    diverg     istif   nlprint    nlnorm   d3itctl     cpchk     
         2         1         1         3         4         0         0
$#  arcctl    arcdir    arclen    arcmth    arcdmp    arcpsi    arcalf    arctim
         0         0       0.0         1         2         0         0         0
$#   lsmtd     lsdir      irad      srad      awgt      sred    
         4         2       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#   npopt    neecho    nrefup    iaccop     opifs    ipnint    ikedit    iflush
         1         3         0         01.00000E-4         0         0         0
$#   iprtf    ierode     tet10    msgmax    ipcurv      gmdt   ip1dblt      eocs
         0         0         2        50         0       0.0         0         0
$#   tolev    newleg    frfreq     minfo    solsig    msgflg    cdetol      
         2         0         1         1         0         0      10.0
$#    ncpu    numrhs     const      para    
         0         0         1         1
$#  wrpang     esort     irnxx    istupd    theory       bwc     miter      proj
      40.0         1        -1         4         2         1         1         1
$# rotascl    intgrd    lamsht    cstyp6    tshell      
       0.0         0         0         0         0
$# psstupd   sidt4tu     cntco    itsflg    irquad      
         0         0         2         0         2
$#  nfail1    nfail4   psnfail    keepcs     delfr   drcpsid    drcprm      
         0         0         0         0         0         0       1.0
$#   esort   fmatrix   niptets    swlocl    psfail   t10jtol       
         1         0         0         2         0       0.0
$#   pm1     pm2     pm3     pm4     pm5     pm6     pm7     pm8     pm9    pm10
       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0       0
$#    soln       nlq     isnan     lcint     
         0         0         0       500
$#  endtim    endcyc     dtmin    endeng    endmas      
       0.2         0     0.001       0.0       0.0
$#  dtinit    tssfac      isdo    tslimt     dt2ms      lctm     erode     ms1st
       0.00.89999998         0       0.0-6.0000E-7         0         1         0
$#  dt2msf   dt2mslc     imscl    unused    unused     rmscl     
       0.0         0         0                           0.0
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
1.00000E-4         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
1.00000E-4         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
1.00000E-4         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt   option1   option2   option3   option4
1.00000E-4         2         0         1         0         0         0         0
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
1.00000E-4         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt   option1   option2       
1.00000E-5         2         0         1       0.0         0
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.005         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
1.00000E-4         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#      dt    binary      lcur     ioopt     
     0.001         2         0         1
$#    cycl      lcdt      beam     npltc    psetid      
   40000.0         0         0         0         0
$#      dt      lcdt      beam     npltc    psetid      
1.00000E-4         0         0         0         0
$#   ioopt     
$#      dt      lcdt      beam     npltc    psetid      
     0.001         0         0         0         0
$#   ioopt     
$#    cycl        nr      beam     npltc    psetid      
   99999.0         0         0         0         0
$#   neiph     neips    maxint    strflg    sigflg    epsflg    rltflg    engflg
         0         0         3         0         1         1         1         1
$#  cmpflg    ieverp    beamip     dcomp      shge     stssz    n3thdt   ialemat
         0         0         0         1         1         1         2         1
$# nintsld   pkp_sen      sclp     hydro     msscl     therm    intout    nodout
         0         0       1.0         0         0         0
$#    dtdt    resplt     neipb     
         0         1         0
$#    nsid       cid      dofx      dofy      dofz     dofrx     dofry     dofrz
   7600202         0         1         1         1         1         1         1
NODESET(SPC) 7600202
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   7600202       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    nid1      nid2      nid3      nid4      nid5      nid6      nid7      nid8
  15953694  15953698  15953693  15953697  15953692  15953696         0         0
$#     cid                                                                 title
         3Belts to  SashBlocks
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr
   9000007   7600201         3         2         0         0         0         0
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
0.349999990.34999999       0.0       0.0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#    soft    sofscl    lcidab    maxpar     sbopt     depth     bsort    frcfrq
         1       0.0         0       0.0       0.0         0         0         0
$#  penmax    thkopt    shlthk     snlog      isym     i2d3d    sldthk    sldstf
       0.0         0         0         0         0         0       0.0       0.0
$#    igap    ignodprfac/mpadtstif/mpar2   unused     unused    flangl   cid_rcf
         0         1       0.0       0.0                           0.0         0
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   7600201       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
   7600251         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
$#     cid                                                                 title
         4Belts to  LapBlocks
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr
   9000003   7600202         3         2         0         0         0         0
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
0.349999990.34999999       0.0       0.0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#    soft    sofscl    lcidab    maxpar     sbopt     depth     bsort    frcfrq
         1       0.0         0       0.0       0.0         0         0         0
$#  penmax    thkopt    shlthk     snlog      isym     i2d3d    sldthk    sldstf
       0.0         0         0         0         0         0       0.0       0.0
$#    igap    ignodprfac/mpadtstif/mpar2   unused     unused    flangl   cid_rcf
         0         1       0.0       0.0                           0.0         0
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   7600202       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
   7600253         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
$#     cid                                                                 title
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr
   7600253   7600214         3         2         0         0         1         1
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
       0.2       0.2       0.0       0.0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   7600214       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$#    pid1      pid2      pid3      pid4      pid5      pid6      pid7      pid8
   7600214   7600220   7600243         0         0         0         0         0
$#     cid                                                                 title
$: Cross-reference summary for SET_PART 7600200
$: CONTACT <No label>
$#    ssid      msid     sstyp     mstyp    sboxid    mboxid       spr       mpr

   7600200         0         2         0         0         0         0         0
$#      fs        fd        dc        vc       vdc    penchk        bt        dt
       0.2       0.1     0.001       0.0       0.0         0       0.0       0.0
$#     sfs       sfm       sst       mst      sfst      sfmt       fsf       vsf
       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#    soft    sofscl    lcidab    maxpar     sbopt     depth     bsort    frcfrq
         2       0.0         0       0.0       3.0         0         0         0
$#  penmax    thkopt    shlthk     snlog      isym     i2d3d    sldthk    sldstf
       0.0         0         0         0         0         0       0.0       0.0
$#    igap    ignodprfac/mpadtstif/mpar2   unused     unused    flangl   cid_rcf
         0         1       0.0       0.0                           0.0         0
$: Cross-reference summary for SET_PART 7600200
$: CONTACT <No label>
$#     sid       da1       da2       da3       da4    solver      
   7600200       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0MECH
$ Seat
$#   psid1     psid2     psid3     psid4     psid5     psid6     psid7     psid8
   7600196         0         0         0         0         0         0         0
$#                                                                         title
springs for implicit
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
      1000      1000      1000         0         0         0         0         0
$#   secid       dro        kd        v0        cl        fd  
      1000         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#     cdl       tdl   
       0.0       0.0
$#     mid         k 
      1000      0.01
$#                                                                         title
springs for implicit
$#     pid     secid       mid     eosid      hgid      grav    adpopt      tmid
      2000      2000      2000         0         0         0         0         0
$#   secid       dro        kd        v0        cl        fd  
      2000         0       0.0       0.0       0.0       0.0
$#     cdl       tdl   
       0.0       0.0
$#     mid         k 
      2000  10000.00