This examples features a simple immersed FSI example. The active structure needs to be entirely embedded in the fluid for the immersed method. Interfaces are tracked automatically. It is advised to use a finer mesh for the fluid than for the solid. For FSI problems, the two solvers will use a synchronized timestep i.e the smallest value computed from their respective domains (CFL condition). No leakage can occur.
CESE Velocity fringes

$ Example provided by Iñaki (LSTC)
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$ Copyright, 2015 DYNAmore GmbH
$ Copying for non-commercial usage allowed if
$ copy bears this notice completely.
$X 1. Run file as is.
$X Requires LS-DYNA MPP R8.0.0 (or higher) with double precision
$# UNITS: (kg/m/s)
CESE Embedded FSI example
$ $
$ $
R T_end 0.02
R dt_plot 1e-3
$--- Fluid
R dt_fluid 0.0001
Rcfl_fluid 0.9
R ro_1 1.22
R P_1 1.013e+5
R P_2 1.51988e+5
R cv 713.5
R cp 1001.5
$ endtim endcyc dtmin endeng endmas
$ $
$ $